Fixing Your Fireplace Switch

One of the greatest things to do during the cold seasons is to turn on your fireplace and enjoy the warmth while it is snowy and cold outside. The fire in the gas fireplace can provide warmth and an enjoyable atmosphere that can bring a family closer together.

In order to use the fireplace often, it is important to make sure that it is easy to turn on and use. Many times there is a switch that can be used that is on a wall near the fireplace so that all you have to do is flip the switch and the fireplace will turn on. Sometimes this switch will malfunction and will not be working properly. This requires you to get underneath the fireplace and manually light the pilot light each time you want to use the fireplace. This will probably make you use it less as this can sometimes be a pain. Instead you should try to fix the switch.

How to Fix the Fireplace Switch

1. Switch Malfunction. The first thing to do is to determine if it is the switch itself that is malfunctioning. It is quite easy to determine if the switch is the problem. If you look underneath the gas fireplace, there should be a black-and-white cord going into 2 screws. This is what turns the fireplace on and off using the switch. To determine if it is working, you will first want to make sure that the pilot light is lit. You can then use a household paperclip and touch each end to one of the screws. This will close the circuit and should turn on the flame. If this does turn on the flame then you will know that the switch is the problem and that you need to replace it.

2. Replace the Switch. Now that you know that the switch needs to be replaced, you can go ahead and replace it. The first thing you need to do is to turn off the power to the room. You will then remove the switch cover from the wall and remove the switch itself. You will unscrew the wires from the old switch and then screw the wires back into the new switch. Replace the switch and the switch cover. Turn the power back on and try to use the switch to light the fireplace. The switch should now be able to control the fireplace.

By properly determining if the switch is broken and by being able to fix it, you can make sure that your fireplace is one appliance that is working properly. For assistance, contact a professional like Buckeye Appliance Service.
