Tips For Using Sand In Landscaping
If you live in a warm climate, you might decide that the best way to offset any statues or surround smaller cacti is to use sand. Sand is able to reduce the amount of erosion that certain areas of your home suffer, can stabilize the soil in certain areas, and provides clarity between areas of your lawn. Here are some tips for using sand in landscaping to its full aesthetic effect.
1. If You Need to Protect a Certain Type of Soil, Edge It With Sand
Suppose that you have purchased a certain type of soil that one of your beloved plants need in order to survive. No other plants need this soil and the soil is rather expensive. You would not be very happy if you had to deal with the fact that all of your soil got washed away from one area to another after a rainstorm, leaving the plant that needs the special soil without it. You can use sand to avoid this problem. Add the soil and plant the plant that needs the special soil in order to establish where you are going to need to edge.
Once you have the area laid out, you can then take a bag of sand and cut a hole in the corner. This will cause the sand to spill out at a consistent level, but more slowly. Walk along the border of this area with the special soil and allow the sand to fall out of the bag in a line around that area. Make sure that it is just touching the special soil. This way, when it rains, the soil will be stopped from washing away by the sand. The sand can be filtered out of the soil so that the soil can be put back in its correct spot.
2. Use it To Stop Weeds
If you are going to be laying a patio, you also don't want to deal with weeds coming up through the cracks between the stones and putting your patio off-balance. You can prevent weeds from growing by adding a layer of sand beneath the area where you are going to lay the patio bricks before you do any other work. The sand will act as a barrier between the nutrients that weeds need and the weeds themselves, allowing you to slow their growth and take control of your patio.
For more information, talk to a company that specializes in adding sand to landscaping.