Using Shutters In Creative And Clever Ways, Inside And Outside Your Home

If you are looking for versatile window treatments that offer both benefits to both the inside and outside of your home, shutters may be the best option. These can offer protection, security, and privacy while also adding an aesthetically appealing element to the home that curtains simply don't provide. Consider some inventive ways to use shutters around your home, adding function and curb appeal to your overall property. 

Using shutters inside:

Let in some light. Shutters are a wise choice when you want to make the most of the natural light, without sacrificing your privacy. Talk with retailers about shutters that can be used on the upper and lower panes in your windows, so that you can let optimal light in while preserving your privacy when inside the space.

Partition a room. If you want to break a room into separate spaces, shutters will do the trick. Use them over a bar or counter for an easy partition that divides spaces up effortlessly. Use taller, larger shutters to create accordion-style screens or doors to further break-up your space.

Enjoy privacy and security. When you install shutters as part of your window treatments, you won't have the worry of curious passers-by or nosy neighbors. The coverage provided by shutters will make the home seem more secure.

Using shutters outdoors:

Protect the home from the elements. Outdoor shutters are still the best way to protect windows from breaking during a storm or high-winds. They can help to put your family at ease during rough weather.

Create a visual effect. If your home has an exterior wall that seems drab and windowless, create a new façade with shutters. These can be installed on the wall to give the illusion of there being a window, making the wall look more interesting.

Color-coordinate for curb appeal. Detail the exterior of your home with color-coordinative shutters that complement the color, siding, or surface of your house. Shutters are a great way to add a pop of color and some visual interest to the property.

Enjoy recycling shutters. If you are replacing old shutters, don't discard them or ship them to salvage. Instead, use them for a number of recycled projects that will complement your new shutters and provide utility around the house.

For instance, consider these recycling ideas:

  • Use outdoor shutters and construct a simple pergola by securing one shutter at the top, horizontally, above two shutters that will form the sides. Use this as an entrance to your yard or garden.
  • Attach legs and casters to the underside of a single shutter laid flat for a mobile cocktail table that is perfect for any room of the house.
  • Hang shutters on the wall securely and use the slats to organize paperwork, bills, or mail.

Talk with retailers about your windows and to determine the specifications that fit your needs. Shutters (click here to read more) offer a cool look, protective barrier, and multiple functions to make them the perfect option when looking for window treatments that will last.  
