Protect Your Septic Tank This Summer

Summer may be all about relaxation and fun; however, this does not mean that home maintenance isn't important. If your home relies on a septic tank system, make sure you are keeping this in mind. There are a number of scenarios during this time of the year that can cause significant damage.  Here are just a couple of the things you can do to keep your septic tank operating efficiently this summer.

Have The Tank Pumped

During the summer months, it's not uncommon to have more people in your home than usual. Whether it's a child home from college for the summer or a house full of people over for a backyard barbecue, the more people in a home, the greater the burden on the septic system. All septic systems are designed to accommodate a certain load. However, when you have more people in your home taking showers, flushing toilets, washing clothes and using water for other reasons, this can overload the system and cause the tank to overfill.

When the tank overfills, waste won't drain properly and it may end up spilling into the leach field. This won't just lead to odor concerns but also costly repairs. You can minimize this risk by having the tank pumped before you plan to have guests arrive. This less waste accumulated inside the tank, the lower the chance of it overfilling, even with excessive use.

Plan Outdoor Events Wisely

If you're planning to host a backyard party or other outdoor event, make sure you are planning the location of the get-together wisely. All homes with septic systems have drainfields, which is the area where waste and water from the tank is extracted and routed away from your home. Within the drainfield are a number of water lines and pipes.

While walking over the area generally won't cause any harm, parking vehicles, placing large equipment and having a large group of people stand in the area can put extra pressure on these connections and cause them to burst or even collapse. Both of these scenarios can lead to serious repairs. However, if the lines bust and anyone comes in contact with the waste, there is the risk of bacteria exposure, which is a serious health hazard. Keep your outdoor events far away from the drainfield area.

The greater the effort put into preventing an issue, the more relaxing and stress-free your summer. Make sure you are working to protect your septic tank system. For help maintaining your septic tank, contact a company like Sullivan Septic.
