Most decent mattresses can last for years or even more than a decade if well taken care of, so it's understandable if you are not as familiar with best practices for buying a new one as you might be with some other household purchases. There are a wide variety of mattresses available today, and sifting through all of the options can quickly become overwhelming. Here are a few things to keep in mind to help you narrow down your options the next time you head to the furniture store.
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Almost any community can be subjected to high winds that can damage and even uproot trees. Limbs can break off, hitting power lines, your home or fence, or your neighbor's property. It can create a costly, sometimes dangerous, situation.
Checking your trees frequently for any signs of damage or disease can go a long way toward avoiding problems. But it's also important to choose trees that are predisposed to withstand damage from high winds.
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If your garage door isn't opening as smoothly as it used to and you can see the rust on the cables, have an expert evaluate the opening system before someone gets hurt. The garage door can last 25 years or longer, but the opening system and cables may only last decade, give or take depending on how frequently you use the door.
If the door is creaking and making shrieking noises, you could be running out of time.
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It's an unfortunate sign of how hectic modern life has become that many people no longer take the time to sit down at the dining room table to partake of a shared meal every night. Use these ten tips below to reclaim the dining room as a place that's enjoyable, aesthetically pleasing, and makes the most of a given space.
Use mismatched chairs. Instead of purchasing a set of identical chairs, mix and match chairs of different styles and periods to create an eclectic but stylish collection.
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