Tips For Protecting Your Wooden Floor From Planters
If you have an aspiring gardener in your home or simply want to add a little bit of green to your living room, you are going to likely have to deal with the problem of having plants and wooden floors coexist peacefully. You can simply buy pots that won't let any of the water out because if you buy impenetrable pots, your plants might drown. You also can't have the water from the pots drip all over the floor and stain it or cause it to rot. Here are some solutions that will allow you to have plants stored above your wooden floors safely.
1. Use a Plant Caddy
Your first option is to use a plant caddy. A plant caddy is essentially a small platform with wheels that holds your plant near the ground, but not on the ground. Plant caddies are excellent for two reasons. The first reason is that your plant never actually touches the ground. This means that its pot or planter will never scrape the ground and will therefore never cause your wooden floor to be damaged. The second reason is that having a plant caddy, especially one that is on wheels, makes it very easy to move your plant around if you need to dust or if you want to redecorate. The point of the caddy is to make sure that the pot doesn't scrape up your wooden floors. However, it is not enough to protect your wooden floors on its own.
2. Use Plant Trays
Your next step is to go to a hardware store or gardening store and purchase plant trays. These are discreet trays that go around the bottom of your plant and collect the water that comes out of the pot. as well as collects any leaves or buds that might fall from the tree. This is critical because you don't want the water to touch your wooden floor. Purchase a few different types of trays that have different widths and depths. This will allow you to figure out which type of tray will be most effective and will allow you to go the longest without having to empty the tray.
3. Use Absorbant Stone Coasters
If you don't like the way that the trays look, your other option is to go to a gardening store and pick up absorbant stone coasters. These coasters are designed for this very purpose and need to go beneath your pots. When water comes out of the pots, the coasters will absorb all of it before it gets close to your wooden floors. This will allow you to maintain the aesthetics of your home without damaging your wooden floors.
For more information, talk to a company that specializes in wooden floor installation and repair.