Working With Pest Control To Remove Mice From Your Home
If you are dealing with mice in your home, there are some things you can do to try and get rid of them. A mice control service can help you deal with the problem, show you how to get rid of them, and then help resolve issues that might bring them back later.
Closing Access Points
One of the first things you will need to address is access points into the house. Mice can get through tiny holes, so the mice control service must inspect the entire home looking for any points that could allow mice in. Closing these holes with fine wire mesh makes it difficult for the mice to get through, and you can then repair the wall or other area to seal the access point for good completely.
You may find that you have to keep regularly looking because as you close one hole, the mice may look for another one because they are coming in looking for food or shelter. It may take a little time to get all the areas closed up, but once they are, it will dramatically reduce the issues you have in your home.
Baiting And Trapping
The most effective way to get the mice out of your home is to bait the mice and trap them within standard mouse traps or glue boards. The mice control service will look for evidence of mice in the house and put the bait and traps down in areas that mice have been traveling through.
If you start catching mice in the traps, you will need to dispose of them, put a new trap in place and rebait it. The pest control tech can show you have to dispose of the mice safely and set a new trap and bait to replace the one you removed. Over time, if you have stopped the mice from getting in, you will begin to eliminate the population inside the house, until eventually, the traps remain empty because the mice are gone.
Cats And Mice
It is not an exaggeration that cats hunt mice; in fact, most pest control services that offer mice control will tell you homes with cats have fewer mice problems. If you have a steady flow of mice coming in because of the location of your home, getting a cat to hunt mice is somewhat effective, but there is the chance that they will bring the prize to you when they catch one, so you need to be prepared for that.
Combining mouse traps and traps around the property can quickly cut down on how many mice you see in your home. Keep the house clean and free of food that the mice will be looking for, and don't use baits that will hurt the cats, but keep your traps in place for any mice the cat doesn't catch.
For more information on mice control, contact a professional near you.